Think Green
Transparent Sourcing and Good Practices
At MeriWoolArt, we value ethical production, and seek to work only with yarn and fiber producers who do the same. All of our fibers are carefully researched and sourced to make sure they're doing the least harm to the environment possible, and appreciate and value both animal and human lives through every stage of production.
You can rest assured knowing where your fiber art materials come from.
You can rest assured knowing where your fiber art materials come from.

The Road from Wool to Yarn
Our choice is to work with safe and animal-friendly sheering and happy sheep farms.
Everyone loves this ultra-soft merino wool, but we know that sourcing is just as important as softness! Our 23-25 micron yarns made with Merino sheep wool are sourced from farms and ranches where mulesing isn't a necessary practice.

Conscious Crafting with
Recycled Cotton
We care about the environment, just like you. Our cotton cords collection is made from braided or twisted 100% recycled cotton thread certified by OEKO-TEX. To keep your artisan space tidy, our braided cotton cords come on a biodegradable spool. Take only as much as you need from the cotton cord braided rope, prevent snarls and waste.